Gay? (Not) Fine by Me


A 10th grade girl in New York was sent home last week after wearing a “Gay? Fine by Me” T-shirt. The shirts are part of a popular campaign to promote tolerance. Places, particularly colleges and work places, purchase the shirts in large quantities and sell them for cost or give them out. Then on a set day, everyone wheres the shirts to show solidarity. Usually a very large number of straight allies where the shirt. I know at Pitts campus, hundreds of people wore the shirt, many of whom were straight.

This girl was told her shirt was inappropriate, even though she had worn it before to school. She was told she was “advertising her sexuality”. Funny thing is, she is straight. She was trying to spread acceptance because there are several out students at her school, but there is also a large religious influence in the area.

I wrote about a dress code news story a couple weeks ago, explaining that I believe in dress codes that keep people safe. The only thing this dress code is keeping safe is a principle who does not want to have any controversial topics in school.

So I say when this is overturned as I am sure it will be, the whole school should wear shirts.


2 Responses to Gay? (Not) Fine by Me

  1. lwando says:

    I don’t know if you saw the article from Canada of two students who wore Pink shirts in support of a bullied student. The bullied student was his first day of school and was bullied because e was wearing a pink t shirt. The 12th grade boys baught pink t shirts and distributed them among the school. It was great!


  2. Jerome M says:

    He’s also infringing on her constitutional rights. Silly. Thumbs-up to her though!

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