Hot Chicks With DoucheBags

February 11, 2008

I have found a new guilty pleasure website. HotChicksWithDouchebags. The site has pictures (with commentary) of the dreaded, but common, club casualty: hot chicks with douchebags. Unbelieveably good looking women with swarmy, greasy men. Hair puffed up, shirt unbuttoned 30k millionaires, drunk frat guys throwing gang signs, and old men trying to score with young girls. Of particular interest is the Douchies, they give out awards for the douchiest of douches.

2007 Douchies


October 27, 2007

I worked last night at the theater. My favorite thing about working Fridays is that I get to watch all the trailers on the new movies. So I’m going to give you a heads up on some awesome looking movies coming out.

The Diving Bell and the Butteryfly

Why it looks good?

It looks touching, moving, endearing, depressing, and uplifting. But what struck me was the intense visual aspect. I think it will be one of those movies you remember specific freeze frames from, with amazing colors and emotional cinematography.

Be Kind, Rewind

Why it looks good?

**This trailer is being difficult, not sure why, but if it is not up, check it out on**

First, let me say I hate Jack Black but want to see this, which means it must look hella good. I think Mos Def is an awesome versatile actor. It looks cute/funny and it just made me smile.

Reservation Road

Why it looks good?

I don’t really need to explain, it is an intense thriller.


Why it looks good?

Its an offbeat dark family comedy, the best kind. Good actors, great soundtrack, and fresh story line with solid one liner.


Why it looks good?

I’m not sure it does. I have seen two different trailers, one I thought yes I def. want to see that and one where it looked so stupid I could barely stand watching the two minute trailer. I think it is going to be very hit or miss.

Sweeny todd

Why it looks good?

If I have to explain this to you, you probably shouldn’t be here.

There are some coming out shortly that good as well. Lion for Lambs, American Ganster, Martian Child, No Country for Old Men, Beowulf, and Love in the time of Cholera all look good. P2 looks like my worst fears realized.

A little Philly pride

September 28, 2007


For you sporty kids, here is the story:Phillies.

I can hardly believe this is the same team I watched get crushed 12 to nothing by Colorado.  But the gist of the story, Phillies kicked ass, and Mets are just screwing up like crazy.  They are tied, I think there are three games left.  The Phillies need to win the division, how sick would it be if they were in the World Series.  That means more business and news for Philly.  A little positive press could do some serious help for our city.  Maybe people would associated Philadelphia with a winning sports team, not Killadelphia.  Come on boys.