Skateboards, Movies, and Homos?

March 6, 2008

I HATE Gus Van Sant. Let me get that out of the way first. Now sure he has been involved with many films I liked, such as Good Will Hunting. But My Private Idaho and Elephant are probably two of my least favorite movies of all time. Well he is directing the Harvey Milk biopic (wondering who is Harvey Milk?).  So I looked up the film because there is a lot of buzz about which celebrities are in it.  Currently Sean Penn, Emile Hirsch, and James Franco are attached/filming.  But that is not the point of this post.  It turns out there is a Gus Van Sant movie coming out soon.  Paranoid Park.  Heres the plot line: A teenage skateboarder’s life begins to fray after he is involved in the accidental death of a security guard.  I watched the trailer and I want to see it.

Watch Out Gay Boys!

January 18, 2008


The SuperBug of the year MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, is in the news again.  Now a new possible route of infection is causing a spike in MRSA cases in gay men.  You boys have to be careful.  MRSA often initially looks like a small dotted rash or allergic reaction, and people ignore it until it gets severe.  But it can be fatal or cause serious disfiguring.  The treatment must be done promptly and involves expensive antibiotics usually through IV.  Everyone should be careful in situations where they may be exposed like the gym or a hospital.  But new research indicates gay man are more likely to be infected than straight men (13 times more so in San Francisco).  So before the general public starts blaming gay men for yet another disease, be safe, be healthy, and be informed.

Here are some of the important points from a Reuters article on the topic:

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – A drug-resistant strain of potentially deadly bacteria has moved beyond the borders of U.S. hospitals and is being transmitted among gay men during sex, researchers said on Monday.

They said methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, is beginning to appear outside hospitals in San Francisco, Boston, New York and Los Angeles.

About 30 percent of all people carry ordinary staph chronically. It can be passed by touching other people or by depositing the bacteria on surfaces or objects.

The best way to avoid infection is by washing the hands or genitals with soap and water, Diep said.

Read the Article Here

The only Gay Eskimo

November 13, 2007

I highly recommend searching “The Only Gay Eskimo”. There are a variety of interpretations out there, I figued I would share one video.

Too bad he is a raging homo!

October 24, 2007

Apparently Lance Bass was like the best boyfriend ever. This is a cute/funny little clip. He was on the Tyra show with former girlfriend and Boy Meets World star Topanga (I don’t want to spell her real name wrong). Its about if they did or didn’t have sex.

Gay SEX tips

October 24, 2007

For those of you familiar with they have “how to” and Q&A on pretty much every topic in the world. They have a particularly elaborate “Lesbian Life” section. I highly recommend checking it out:

There are articles on all sorts of topics including: Top Lesbian Halloween Costumes, Planning Lesbian Weddings, and Good Fall Dates

But what are always the funniest articles are the sexual “how to” articles, they range from normal girl-girl sexing, to bring toys into the bedroom, to all out fisting (eek!). But what I was looking for was just a list of tips, since I have posted lots of straight sex tips. Figured it was about time to rep the lezzies. What I found was a list of first time girl sexing tips. I think it is funny how predictable women are. The tips relate to typical women things like comfort, communication, and emotional well being. But they do make sense and I agree with the tips, although I would have added “keep it simple” and “think about what you like”.

Here are the top ten tips (lesbians):

1. Get to know your own body.

2. Go sober.

3. Go Safe.

4. Fantasize.

5. Leave the toys in the drawer.

6. Relax.

7. Communicate.

8. Have realistic expectations.

To contrast I decided to look up tips for gay man first time sex. To my shock aside from references in coming out articles, there was a general lack of gay male first time sex articles. (Although there was an abundance of first time articles about fisting, kink, and threesomes). I don’t believe that all gay men are hoes, I personally know the world’s oldest gay virgin, and so I decided the nice gay boys need a list of their own.

So here are my tips for your first time (gay guys):

  1. Tell the other person it is your first time
  2. Bring SEVERAL condoms, you never know what is gonna happen
  3. DO NOT try to imitate porn
  4. Try to relax (I suggest thinking about what’s on tv if you start to get nervous)
  5. If you’re feeling unsure about it, wait, there will always be willing and able guys out there
  6. Turn the lights out!
  7. If you have crusty feet, keep your socks on
  8. Do not assume he loves you or will even call you again if you haven’t been dating for a while
  9. Be willing to laugh (not at the other person) if something doesn’t work. Sex is funny, it’s part of life.
  10. Have fun, and don’t forget to tell your fag hag the details!

Just Playing Gay

October 14, 2007

A priest has come out, well sort of. He has come out as a gay fake. Not to be confused with a yestergay, he claims to never have been gay. A gay fake is someone who pretends to be gay for some secret reason they believe with benefit them. Pop culture reinforces the idea that a guy would fake gay to get in good with the ladies. In the real world, this doesn’t happen (not to say it has never happened). So to you Father Stenico, I say use this to your advantage. You’re gay, we all know now, and therefore you are going to lose your priestness. So why not hit the clubs twice as hard, meet some cute boys at are actually over 18, and marshal the gay pride parade next year. Write a scandalous book. Do motivational speaking about your journey. Do something, really anything, but claim to be a totally straight man who hits on boys for educational reasons.


VATICAN CITY (AP) — A Vatican official suspended after being caught on hidden camera making advances to a young man said in an interview published Sunday that he is not gay and was only pretending to be gay as part of his work.

Stenico was suspended by the Vatican after he was caught on tape making sexual advances at a young man.

In an interview with La Repubblica newspaper, Monsignor Tommaso Stenico said he frequented online gay chat rooms and met with gay men as part of his work as a psychoanalyst. He said that he pretended to be gay in order to gather information about “those who damage the image of the Church with homosexual activity.”

Stenico is a top official in the Vatican’s Congregation of the Clergy. The Vatican acted after officials recognized Stenico’s office in the background of a television program on gay priests that was broadcast on Oct. 1 on La7, a private Italian TV network.

Stenico was secretly filmed making advances to a young man and asserting that gay sex was not sinful. In the Repubblica interview, Stenico said he had met with the young man and pretended to talk about homosexuality “to better understand this mysterious and faraway world which, by the fault of a few people — among them some priests — is doing so much harm to the Church.”

He said he had never been gay and was heterosexual, but remained faithful to his vow of celibacy.

National Coming Out Day

October 12, 2007

NOTE: If someone could tell me how to make a cut post, so I could put some of the text behind a cut it would be appreciated. This post is super long, but I am not tech savy enough and I am too tired to look it up.

So it is national coming out day, or technically yesterday was, but I haven’t gone to bed yet. I figured I would hook up some links and videos, and share my story. Since this is officially the first year that I would consider myself fully ‘out’. First, this is an adorable post from QueerSighted it is titled “I’m Out and it’s My Mother’s Fault” (Cute Story)

Second the HRC has an informative video that kind of runs through the history of National Coming Out Day and some of their work. The video is on youtube and viewers were encouraged to send in video responses. Check It OUT. I thought many of the responses were incredibly touching and inspiring. It is reassuring to know that more and more resources are out there for teenagers. I remember going with Alex and Christina all the way to Doylestown for some sort of gay youth meeting thing and thinking how reassuring it was to see other teenagers in the same spot. This was the response video that most struck me:

Finally, here is my “coming out” story, as cliché as that is. I hear a lot of coming out stories and have read books and seen movies, but for me it was different. I have known for a long time I was gay, I have been in a long term relationship, and have carried out my life in a very open manner. Everyone assumes I am “out” because I am loud and open in most situations, but there was one place where I wasn’t out until recently, my house. Some of you know the story, but I figured I would share it anyway (warning it is long and rambling as it is almost 2 am)…read the story behind the cut

Read the rest of this entry »

Noble Causes, Nobel Prizes

October 7, 2007

The Ig Nobel Prizes are a mock of the Nobel Prizes and are given each year in October for achievements that “first make people laugh, and then make them think.” Organized by the Annals of Improbable Research (AIR Magazine) and presented by a group that includes genuine Nobel Laureates at a ceremony at Harvard University. I just wanted to share some of the best winners with you. My favorite of course is the US Air Force’s brilliant plan to make a gay bomb. The Air Force is indeed funded by our tax money.

2007 Ig Nobel Winners

Medicine – Brain Witcombe, of Gloucestershire Royal NHS Foundation Trust, UK, and Dan Meyer for their probing work on the health consequences of swallowing a sword.

Physics – A US-Chile team who ironed out the problem of how sheets become wrinkled.

Chemistry – Mayu Yamamoto, from Japan, for developing a method to extract vanilla fragrance and flavoring from cow dung.

Linguistics – A University of Barcelona team for showing that rats are unable to tell the difference between a person speaking Japanese backwards and somebody speaking Dutch backwards.

Peace – The US Air Force Wright Laboratory for instigating research and development on a chemical weapon that would provoke widespread homosexual behavior among enemy troops.

Nutrition – Brian Wansink of Cornell University for investigating the limits of human appetite by feeding volunteers a self-refilling, “bottomless” bowl of soup.

Economics – Kuo Cheng Hsieh of Taiwan for patenting a device that can catch bank robbers by dropping a net over them.

Aviation – A National University of Quilmes, Argentina, team for discovering that impotency drugs can help hamsters to recover from jet lag.