Big Boobs, Big Diabetes?

February 9, 2008

I recently read an article in the Wall Street Journal (and by recently I mean I recently found my January 31 edition). The point of the article was women with larger breasts have increase risk of adult diabetes (more properly Type II since it is increasing occurring in children and adolescents). That is an of itself is not shocking nor news, since the biggest predictor is obesity and with big bodies often come big boobs. What I found crazy is that the increased risk of diabetes occurs when the study controlled for waist size and BMI. Although, as far as I know, they did not take into consider past size or BMI.  Overweight and obese women may develop breasts earlier and to a greater extend due to increased estrogen levels, so larger breasts in some instances may correlate to a larger size person who has lost weight.

Wall Street Journal health blog

On a less serious note, let me explain the big women, big boobs phenomenon.  Fat women have large breasts, very skinny women have small breasts.  Now that doesn’t always hold, we all know lucky bitches who are skinny and have big boobs, and sadly we all know a couple unfortunate ladies who are big but small chested.  But in general we understand, boobs are made of fat, fat people have fat, and therefore there is going to be a relationship.  Now some may say this is merely the science of fat distribution, but I know the truth.  It is proof there is some sort of just force or God governing the world.  Most men are looking for a skinny woman, and that to them is more important than breast size.  But there is also a chunk of self proclaimed “breast men”.     The “breast men” will pursue larger women knowing there will be larger breasts.  This is the mate distribution system.   Otherwise only skinny women could ever find men.  By giving overweight women bigger breasts the playing field is leveled.