When Shoemakers forget they’re Shoemakers

January 11, 2008

Me: Hey hand me the phone.

You: why?

Me: I need to call Converse

You: why?

Me: they forgot something

You: what?

Me: just the fact they are shoemakers (with a small clothing spin off).

get off your high horse and back on your high tops.  silent commercial that aren’t PSAs have no place on my television.   people like mindless marathons of sitcoms, its relaxing.

I vote this is the world’s stupidest ad campaign.  its like “wow! be different, get up do something, think for yourself” and at the same time “think like everyone else, care about name brand shoes, buy our shoes because they make you an individual like everyone else”

Body Image/Pharmacy Videos

December 8, 2007

I am sure many of you have seen the Dove love your body commercials before, but I got linked to a site that had a bunch of them posted.  There were two I hadn’t seen that I thought were interesting.  I have mixed feelings about the videos, but I think the editing and the points are good.  My problem is two fold, one I don’t really care that girls get bad images from the media, and two Dove has all sorts of skin care products that sell completely because women are expected to take care of themselves physically.  So I really don’t need my soap company telling me how the world should be or how to raise kids.  But on the other hand they are visually effective.

Also someone posted this video in my pharmacy class’s facebook group.  I thought it was cute/funny.  It is a .swf so I didn’t know how to put it directly into the page.

Check Out: “License to I’ll”