Sex Tips

October 3, 2007

I got the message. My two previous sex posts (homemade porn tips, and tips from porn for good girls) were two of my most popular posts ever.

You want sex. Nay, you need sex. Well always looking to please my readers, who are apparently always looking to please someone in their life, I’ve decided to post a more extensive sex tip article. Today I am taking notes from bible of sex tips, Cosmo. Cosmo split the tips into categories: Get Him Riled Up, Feisty Foreplay, Getting it On, His Down There Domain, and Kink it Up. They are tips men sent in for women. Now from the multitude of tips found within their website, I’ve tried to pick what I found the best.

This selection was based on four factors:

  1. Did I feel it was translatable to my gay and lesbian audience well? (I would never forget you kids)
  2. Would I personally find the item sexy or enjoyable?
  3. Did it make sense?
  4. Was it clean enough that I wouldn’t feel bad if kids stumbled on here, but dirty enough to entice my adult readers?

Before you continue, these are tips for adults. For my more adventurous adult readers check out the actual site (Cosmo Article) they have the really juicy tips, with the specifics of what to put where and how to…..

Get Him Riled Up (or Her)

“When I lean in to kiss you, hold the back of my head gently in your hand. It’s tender yet sexy.” – Donny, 34

“The night after I got a big promotion my girlfriend said she was going to give me only oral sex all night.” –Ken, 32.

“If we’re somewhere semi-public and can’t go at each other, press your hips against mine.” –Henry, 25

Feisty Foreplay

“Do what my first girl did: Moan my name while I pleasure you.” –Eddie, 28.

“My current girlfriend treated me to a ‘bed dance’: she had me lie on my back while she slowly rubbed herself along my chest, stomach…” –Arlo, 27

“My girl pretended not to want to kiss me. I had to use my tongue to pry her mouth open passionately.” –Ron, 25

Getting It on

(Most of the tips were too graphic, I picked two tame ones)

“Tell me to get undressed but to keep my tie on. Pull on it to bring me closer to you.” –Ted, 31.

“When you’re near the point of no return, whisper four letter words into my ears –the really dirty ones.” –Fred, 23.

Down There Domain

(too graphic and really only applicable to men)

Kink It Up

“My fiancé will blindfold me and rub her body across my face. I can only use my mouth and tongue to identify what I’m feeling” –Carter, 29.

“One night, my girlfriend stopped the action and pointed to the camera she’d set up in the corner.” –Justine, 21

“My ex would me at local dive bars and pull me into the restroom for raunchy, against-the wall sex.” –Max 21.

“Treat your guy to sex under water. With your bodies feeling so weightless…” –Mark, 29

“Morning sex please” –Charlie, 26

“While we’re driving alone on a back road, ask me to pull over and then jump into my lap. You’ll be fulfilling my teenage fantasy of getting busy in my care.” –Jason, 34.

Two More Dirty Hot Videos (Sorta Gay)

October 2, 2007

I thought the following videos had to be shared. They come from the brilliant minds at MTV.

This has so many sexual innuendos you can’t even keep count. It also has a great message:

This video is cute as well. I am not smart enough to put it embedded so you have to click on it. Sorry.

10 Things Good Girls Can Learn from Porn Stars

October 1, 2007


I came across an article on a women’s website after looking up some fairly tame health articles that explained what good girls should do in bed. Here is the link to the entire article, it is pretty funny. For each suggestion there is what a good girl does, a porn star secret, and then a little tip. I figured I would share these with you, just the tame titles of each thing, not the details. For me, they all hold true as to what I think is hot, and I am pretty much a guy, so ladies keep these in mind. To at least some extent I think they hold true in any sexual relationship gay, straight, lez, or whatever.

10 Things Good Girls Can Learn from Porn Stars

1. Show a Little Enthusiasm, Baby!
2. Speak Up!
3. Love Those Thighs!
4. Know Thyself!
5. Get a New Bedtime Script!
6. Get a Little Uncomfortable!
7. Come On, Gals, Fantasize!
8. Get Creative with the Merchandise!
9. Be a Little Selfish!
10. Stop Doing Favors!

Frequent satisfying sex is good for you, mentally and physically. So get it on people!

EDIT: I want to share a genius comment on this post:

  1. Alex Says:
    October 1st, 2007 at 10:07 am edit   3 & 4 could be combined as know thigh-self…

Hot Lesbians, Adorable Guys, and Sad Old People?

September 29, 2007

So I wouldn’t normally do this, but I feel compelled to post about “Feast of Love”. I am generally unqualified to review movies, since I like almost every movie I see. I believe in taking a movie for what it is, not what it could be. If it is supposed to be a gross comedy than it should be judged accordingly ( a la Superbad!!!). Feast of Love looked from the preview to be somewhere between a romantic comedy for adults and a character drama. And it was ( just add a lot of nudity).

The acting was excellent. Selma Blair was like a petulant child and very believable. Greg Kinnear was endearing although annoyingly naive. Morgan Freeman was fantastic (as to be expected). Both Toby Hemingway and Alexa Davalos were intense and somewhat creepy, but you bought that they were in love. The story was decent. There were tons of ups and downs keeping your heart on the edge the whole time. Some parts were melodramatic to an extreme degree. They probably could have left out a couple parts, particularly a man named Bat. The plot outline from IMDB says it best:

“A meditation on love and its various incarnations, set within a community of friends in Oregon. An exploration of the magical, mysterious and sometimes painful incarnations of love.”

I liked it and would recommend it to pretty much anyone with a heart. Although I hate sad movies, and this had its fair share of sad moments, the overriding theme was love. It was somewhat unconventional in its willingness to show the often intensely painful side of love. There are tons of movies where people meet and overcome some initial difficulty to walk away into the sunset together. There are only a few movies that show the reality of love. That love can be unpredictable, awkward at times, unreciprocated at others, painful, and intensely scary. But that it is also an absolutely necessary part of our world. It is the part that makes us human, and we are all better people because of it.

Some critics liked it, some hated it. Personally I think the negative reviews are somewhat pretentious. They complain that the movie tries too hard and that Morgan Freeman is playing the character he always plays. He plays that role, because he is good at it. And why shouldn’t a movie try hard, it attempts to show you the bigger picture with love. Yes at times it fails, but most of the movies out don’t even strive to portray real love. Besides how can a movie not be good if early on Morgan Freeman’s soothing voice says:

“They say that when the Greek gods were bored, they invented humans. Still bored, they invented love. That wasn’t boring, so they tried it themselves. And then they invented laughter — so they could stand it.”

A little Philly pride

September 28, 2007


For you sporty kids, here is the story:Phillies.

I can hardly believe this is the same team I watched get crushed 12 to nothing by Colorado.  But the gist of the story, Phillies kicked ass, and Mets are just screwing up like crazy.  They are tied, I think there are three games left.  The Phillies need to win the division, how sick would it be if they were in the World Series.  That means more business and news for Philly.  A little positive press could do some serious help for our city.  Maybe people would associated Philadelphia with a winning sports team, not Killadelphia.  Come on boys.

Peter Pace raging homo or regular ole bigot?

September 28, 2007

Yeah, yeah I know there is no reason to believe Peter Pace is a homosexual, but that isn’t stopping me from thinking it. For the second time, he has felt it necessary to verbal degrade the brave men and women who service our country, by implying their sexual identify affects them as soldiers.

March 12: “I believe homosexual acts between two individuals are immoral and that [the U.S. military] should not condone immoral acts…I do not believe the United States is well served by a policy that says it is okay to be immoral in any way…As an individual, I would not want [acceptance of gay behavior] to be our policy.” He went on to say he did support the official “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.

March 17: “In expressing my support for the current policy, I also offered some personal opinions about moral conduct. I should have focused more on my support of the policy and less on my personal moral views.”

September 26: “We should respect those who want to serve the nation but not through the law of the land, condone activity that, in my upbringing, is counter to God’s law.”

“I would be very willing and able and supportive” to changes to the policy “to continue to allow the homosexual community to contribute to the nation without condoning what I believe to be activity — whether it to be heterosexual or homosexual — that in my upbringing is not right”

Why he feels he is in the position to make these judgments about soldier’s private life, or why he feels compelled to share his personal judgments in a public forum is beyond me. Hopefully his replacement will be a little more mindful of separate of church and state.


5 Commonly Misdiagnosed Disease

September 27, 2007

Just thought this was interesting. It is 5 of the most commonly misdiagnosed diseases. Some seem understandably hard to detect while others seem hard to miss. It just goes to show why it is important to ask questions and take your health seriously. Being proactive about health is the best way to avoid misdiagnoses for you and your family. I know a lot of you out there have aging parents (myself included) and it is important to be there as they get older and doctors tend to push them aside. I worked in the geriatric portion of a hospital and saw it first hand, doctors sometimes make quick assumptions/decisions and don’t think it is worth their time to discuss it with the patient or the family in sufficient detail. It also points to the need for doctors to be more thorough when examining patients. The 5 specifically mentioned in the article are:

1. Aortic dissection

2. Cancer

3. Clogged arteries

4. Heart attack

5. Infection:

Check Out CNN for the full story

The Integral Immigrants

September 26, 2007

They’ve lived among us. Sold us goods, provided us with services, patronized our business, and boosted the economy in the process. While there is a negative association with immigrants in a lot of communities, some are finding out just how important immigrant populations can be. Although people are outwardly only talking about illegal immigrants (that way xenophobia can be justified since it is “not their foreignness, but rather that they are criminals”) a lot of the same resentments are echoed privately about legal immigrants.

I’ve never understood the reasoning. I believe that they should try to find more legal ways into the country, but I also think the US should provide more legal ways into the country. I agree there needs to be some way for them to contribute more in taxes to support the services they use like the schools and hospitals. But I also understand how important to our economy they have become. Many of the salons, restaurants, and other places I go, employ illegal immigrants in some way. Whether they are pumping my gas, planting flowers outside an apartment building, cleaning the movie theatre at night, or taking my dishes away at a restaurant, they are doing something. They are working, and working hard. And in my book that is what should make an American. Strong desires to work hard and get ahead in life are or should be core American values. But there are millions of Americans citizens in the United States who don’t work and don’t see a problem with that. In fact some of them probably are against immigrants who are willing to come here under dangerous circumstances and work in terrible conditions just to have the opportunity to see some American money. People will argue they steal jobs, long after sociologist proved for the millionth time that they aren’t taking the jobs you or I would work. And so what if they get educated and move up in the world or their children do? Isn’t that what America is about.

According to a NY Times article, people in a New Jersey town are finding out just how integral the immigrants have become. A little more than a year ago Riverside, NJ because the first town in Jersey to enact laws to penalize anyone who rents to or employs illegal immigrants. Hundreds of immigrants left the small town. People were initially happy as the noise, crowding and traffic decreased. But then the real consequences of such legislation began. The businesses that had large immigrant customer bases were destroyed. Hair salons, restaurants, and local shops started losing business so fast, many had to close. The economy is shriveling, and now the already strained budget needs to accommodate multiple lawsuits that arose in response the ordinance. Seeing what the ordinance was doing to the town, they were forced to rescind it. They were the first town in New Jersey to enact such legislation, but they are not the first whose economy forced them to rescind it.

I’ll leave you with a quote from their Mayor, “I don’t think people knew there would be such an economic burden. A lot of people did not look three years out.”

Article: Think Twice Xenaphobes

Speed Posting

September 26, 2007

Some things are meant to be quick and painless. Contrary to the popular trend, dating is not one of those things. (Speed Dating Craze) The insane and technologically wondrous maglev trains are supposed to be fast. (Maglev info) What I’ve decided to do is to speed post for today. Since I have a dentist appointment in the morning, an anatomy/med chem/pharmaceutics/infectious disease study fest planned for the afternoon, and it is date night (Wednesday is always date night) posting tomorrow will probably not be up to par. The goal is to post before I go to bed for the night, in approximately 1.5 hours, 5 articles. The topics:

  • Politics
  • Entertainment
  • Medicine
  • Technology
  • Gay News

Clinton gets some gay lovin’

September 24, 2007

I thought my dream magazine cover had materialized when I first saw:

What could be more perfect? Clinton, who is widely regarded as one of the most intelligent females of her generation, is the cover of the Advocate. Two possibilities, one she is announcing she is a lesbian, which would be pretty much the coolest ever, since the new face of lesbianism would be a brilliant successful woman, rather than a shaved head lumber jack. Or she has decided to embrace gay marriage completely rather than civil unions. Either way I was down.

But then I read the article. While she has a track record of respecting the gay and lesbian community and she is still my choice for the primary, she just reiterated her typical stances on all the relevant issues. But the article points out the obvious question. Why do the gays love her? The article states: “Just why are we so in love with Hillary? Her husband signed the vile “don’t ask, don’t tell” law and the nefarious Defense of Marriage Act, she refuses to endorse same-sex marriage even though everyone suspects she privately supports it, and on other issues important to us she can sound a little soulless.”

For me, it is just she is the only candidate that I honestly believe sees no difference between gay and straight people. For political reasons she cannot endorse gay marriage, and if that would make her an unviable candidate I wouldn’t want her to. But she has courted the gay vote since long before it was the norm for democrats, she opposes her husband’s don’t ask don’t tell, and she is the most visibly comfortable with gay issues. Most of the candidates say the right thing but look queasy when asked about gay issues. I don’t Clinton is even the most liberal candidate; it is probably related to being the only female candidate. In general women seem to be more tolerant. Maybe she understands discrimination better than your average rich white man.

She might have a run for her money, many gays are jumping on the Obama bandwagon. I think this election will change history in any event.  But we’ll see.

Source Article